Welcoming Back Our Amazing Young Learners: Strategies for Reintegrating SEND Students into the Classroom
Welcoming Back Our Amazing Young Learners: Strategies for Reintegrating SEND Students into the Classroom We hope our schools have enjoyed a well-deserved summer break! As the break comes to a close, many of the schools we support at Specialist SEND Group are preparing...
Announcing Paul Bray’s Presentation at the TES SEND Show 2024
Announcing Paul Bray’s Presentation at the TES SEND Show 2024 We are thrilled to announce that Paul Bray, one of our esteemed directors, will be a featured speaker at the TES SEND Show 2024. The event, taking place on October 11-12, 2024, at the Business...
Specialist SEND tutor bring tears of joy to a parent
Student Y – KS4, ASC, Non-verbal When originally referred, Y was a school refuser due to his anxiety related to his ASC needs. He’d moved to four different schools with the SENCO struggling for a solution to engage him and integrate him into school. Having used...
Pumpkin picking at The Hayloft
Now that’s pumpkin to talk about… Thursday 27th October saw the SEND team head off to The Hayloft for an afternoon of pumpkin picking. We find working with your team outside helps build relationships that help in the workplace. We had...